<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P><TT>Jen asked: <BR>> > ///Do we have a spoiler policy here btw, or can we start <BR>discussing <BR>> > right away? Not that I'll be near a computer from Saturday <BR>morning <BR>> > until Monday night. I'll survive. Maybe. :( ///<BR><BR>Kathy W:<BR>Well back in post 2401 (I think) Carolyn asked for input...I don't <BR>think any of us replied. She pointed out that Kelly wouldn't be able <BR>to get HBP until August sometime and she wasn't sure about Dot. <BR><BR>So unless we're going to agree not to come to this board at all until <BR>we've read the book, I think we need spoiler warnings. It could get <BR>tricky, I mean an accidental "How do we code ESE!Lupin now that we <BR>know the truth?"... could drive someone mad. <BR><BR>So I vote for Spoiler space until we hear differently from Kelly and <BR>Dot.<BR><BR>Ginger chimes in: Me too. Or even restrict ourselves to catalogue conversation, just to be safe, and add spoiler space until we have the all
clear on anything that effects the project.</TT></P><TT>
<P><BR>Ewe2:<BR>> <BR>> > Anyway, what are everyone's plans for HBP???? </P>
<P>Ginger: My family was supposed to get together to celebrate the 4th of July and my sister's b-day (the 5th) but Sis was sick and couldn't make it, so we put it off for this weekend. I got there and Sis had called (after I left Fargo) to say that she couldn't make it as she was meeting with a Congressman about funding for her grant project. </P>
<P>They suggested we meet next weekend, and I informed them that I was busy. My dad is Vernon Dursleyish about any form of fiction that involves imagination, himself preferring a good western to "things that can't possibly happen", but we all agreed to meet the weekend of the 23rd instead as I informed them that I had my copy reserved for 12:01 am.</P>
<P>So next weekend, I will spend Friday mowing and doing house hold chores, attend the festivities, listen to the grownups whine about being up that late to get a stupid book for their kids, get my book and go home to a clean house and start reading. </P>
<P>Hoping everyone is well, Ginger</P></TT></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com