<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><TT><STRONG><EM><FONT face=Arial></FONT></EM></STRONG>
<P><BR>Dot "knackered-reed" Newman<BR>who never suspected that Ginger played the oboe, and wishes Sean the <BR>best of luck with chords and houses and internet accesses.<BR><BR>Ginger:</P>
<P>Just to set the record straight, I don't play the oboe. I have a degree (unused) in music, and during the course of my education, I learned to play flute, clarinet, sax, trumpet, baritone, tuba(!), French horn, and attempted oboe (plus the trombone, which is actuallythe instrument I grew up playing) for the purposes of being ableto teach them. I got proficient enough on all (save the oboe) that I could play pretty much anything a beginning band student would need to. Of course, that was 10 years ago. I now only remember the trombone. </P>
<P>Ditto wishing Sean luck.</P>
<P>Ginger, who was actually a voice major.</TT></P></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p>
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