<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P><TT><FONT face=Arial>G earlier: </FONT>we'll just keep you on guitar and if someone else<BR>> pipes up and says "hey! I play guitar", then we'll put you on keyboards.<BR><BR>S: I really hope so, I prefer bass. Keyboards are rusty though...<BR></TT></P>
<P><TT>G now: Bass it is, though we still need a guitarist for the Flamenco numbers. And you must dance.</TT></P>
<P><TT>S: in THIS reality I am<BR>just incredibly chick-pulling cool, smirking over my bass and mouthing my<BR>phone-number to the front row.<BR><BR>G: Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially created a monster. My work here is finished. (In the monster-creating category, not the coding-still going on that.)</TT></P>
<P><TT>Ginger, cookies for everyone.</TT></P>
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