<DIV>Ginger looks around at all the festive folks. It seems a good time is being had by all. Not knowing why she didn't think of it sooner, Ginger digs deep into her desk drawer and passes out a nice assortment of dried fruit and takes another nip at her whiskey stash. </DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV>Yes, it's been one of those weeks. MWPP hasn't even gotten a glance. I'm behind on my reading of the list. I still have to wrap, pack and deal with reality, such as it is, but hey, it's Christmas, which is my favourite holiday (along with Super Bowl Sunday) and by George (and/or Fred) I'm going to celebrate.</DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV>As Dr. Seuss said, "Christmas day will always be, just as long as we have we." </DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV>Safe travels if you're going anywhere. Joy, Peace, Love. May the New Year bring happiness and prosperity, and maybe some productive coding.</DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV>Cheers,
<hr size=1>Yahoo! for Good -
<a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/charity/*http://brand.yahoo.com/cybergivingweek2005/">Make a difference this year.</a>