<DIV id=RTEContent><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"> <div><TT>Deb:</TT></div> <div><TT>Cross 1.1.5 off your list; they're done. 3.02.6 got merged into what <BR>used to be Equality and Fairness; they were all about class and <BR>bigotry. 1.1.5 has been well trimmed.<BR><BR>Give a holler if you'd like to split Doug's section. The lawyer and <BR>former government major in me had an eye on some of the subheadings. <BR>Of course, maybe I should stay away from it for exactly that <BR>reason. ;) OTOH, I could stick with the bigotry theme and take on the <BR>Beings.</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT></TT><TT>Ginger: </TT></div> <div><TT>Thanks for the reply. I'll cross it off my list.</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>Beings looks like a big one. Perhaps you'd be well off with that one. If I have any legal queries, I'll send them
your way. (No retainer needed for catalogue work, right?)</TT><TT></TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>Ginger, who didn't know that elfy-type people *could* skip posts.</div></TT></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p>
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