<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"> <div><TT>I wrote:</TT></div> <div><TT>It would be tons easier to go about them if we could just<BR>click instead of playing secratary for ourselves.<BR><BR>Anne:<BR>Actually, we still will have to play secretary, because while this<BR>preliminary review is going on, no one can uncode any of the posts. <BR>The reason for this is, say you are reviewing Snape posts 500 - 600,<BR>and someone starts uncoding posts before yours -- then suddenly, what<BR>had been the 500th Snape post becomes the 400-and-somethingth one and<BR>you will lose your place.<BR><BR>Ginger again:</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>Good preemptive strike, Anne. </TT></div> <div><TT>It could still be done if we assign it by message #s instead of post numbers. For example,rather than saying "you do the first 100" say "you do 233CLUB through 5433CLUB" and the next person
takes 5439CLUB through 234GROUP". I'm pulling numbers out of the air here, but you get the idea.</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>I am planning to finish Law and Order this weekend.</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>Ginger, glad Anne is thinking.</TT></div></BLOCKQUOTE><p>
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