<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"> <div><TT>Deb:</TT></div> <div><TT>I've taken a first scan of 2.14.6 (Werewolves, under Beings) and <BR>quickly realized that there is a good deal of overlap with 3.4.4 <BR>(Lycanthropy, under Health and Physiology. Since a good many of the <BR>werewolf discussions revolve around symptoms of lycanthropy, it's hard <BR>to decide which ones go where, as I discovered when I found a very <BR>well-written, early-in-time discussion of lycanthropy as an <BR>illness . . . but coded only to Werewolves and not to Lycanthropy.<BR><BR>Has anyone reviewed Lycanthropy yet? What's in it -- symptoms, how <BR>one becomes a werewolf, remedies, silver hand theories, transformation <BR>issues, WW attitudes, all or none of the above? Should I avoid moving <BR>any posts over there? <BR><BR>I'll be AFK till Monday and hope to get back to this on Tuesday.<BR></TT></div>
<div><TT>Ginger, who has no idea what AFK means, says:</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>Yoo-hoo! YOO-hoo! Pick me, Professor! Pick me!</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>I did both Lycanthropy *and* Lupin, so I would bet dollars to doughnuts that I have seen most of those posts at one time or another. I culled lycanthropy from 139 to 96 posts, and lots of what I rejected was also coded to werewolves (not to be confused with underwearwolves, which are those nasty guys that stare down your shirt and whistle).</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>Anyway, I do remember that there were a few that were pretty good which I uncoded because they were repetitions and that the person was basicly presenting their theory to a new generation (think Steve or Rita-not that it was one of them, but that type of thing where they have been around since Moses was a kid and when a discussion comes up again, they put forth their theories to
new posters, sometimes with added info).</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>Another reason I uncoded was that someone else responded to the post and quoted it in its entirety with added worthy thoughts, so I dropped the original so there would be less to read through for the people perusing our finished product.</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>If you find one that's earthshattering in its brilliance, send me the post number, and I'll see if it is just something that wasn't originally coded there and add it if it is something new.</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>As to what's in the category, I tried to stick pretty much with the medical end of things, since that was where the category was, but not many posts focused on just that without getting into other things, so I was pretty liberal on that, which is one reason I wasn't up to my usual hacking numbers. </TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>There were, of
course, a few that I noted were already coded to werewolves, and I thought they belonged there more than in lycanthropy, but these were more of how werewolves are treated in society, how to kill them, whether or not killing them constitutes murder... things like that which were more about the wolf individually than about the illness. I also got rid of some that were just about Lupin particularly (ie how lycanthropy may have effected his personality development, friendships, MWPP dynamics, etc). Since I had reviewed him and MWPP, I felt pretty comfortable leaving those to justthosecategories.</TT></div> <div><TT></TT></div> <div><TT>Feel free to send any more thoughts my way, </TT></div> <div><TT>Ginger</div></TT></BLOCKQUOTE><p>
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