Welcome to HPFGU-Feedback

Hebby Elf hebrideanblack at hebbyelf.yahoo.invalid
Fri Nov 21 01:40:44 UTC 2003


Welcome to HPFGU-Feedback. We hope this forum will promote 
discussion between yourselves, the members of the HPFGU groups, and 
ourselves, the List Admin Team. We'd like to hear about your 
concerns about the groups, your ideas for the groups, any 
suggestions you might have. We also know you have questions, but we 
thought we'd get the ball rolling by asking a few of our own to 
start. <g>

If you could change one thing about HPfGU, what would it be?

Should there be some formal recognition of good/long-time posters?

If past experience is any guide, we'll be getting a surge of new 
posters next June when the PoA movie premieres. How should we deal 
with it? 

Again, we welcome you here, we're looking forward to hearing what 
you have to say, and we hope we'll all benefit from the discussions 
that take place here. 

Hebby Elf
For the List Admin Team

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