[HPFGU-Feedback] HTML or Not & Attribution (Was:Re: Stuffs from everyone replied to-)
Shaun Hately
drednort at drednort.geo.yahoo.invalid
Sun Nov 23 04:52:27 UTC 2003
On 23 Nov 2003 at 4:34, annemehr wrote:
> Shaun Hately, replying to Christian Stubo:
> > Correct - eek!
> >
> > Trying to access my test groups, draw a map of Diagon Alley and
> write e-mail at
> > the same time. Not wise!
> Annemehr:
> If an AOL user got a (free) yahoo e-mail account just for use on yahoo
> groups, would that work?
I think so yes - but I wonder how many free e-mail services can handle HPFGU
level traffic (it's been a while since I have used any so the answer may well be 'A
lot' - just something to be considered.
> And I think this method of attribution I use here, with a name before
> each and every section of material including my own, is pretty clear
> whether the ">" thingies are there or not. It also makes it very easy
> for someone to respond to individual sections. On the other hand, I
> agree that having all the attributions nested at the top is very
> confusing, especially on a thread that develops a lot of
> back-and-forth arguments. What do you all think?
Without the >, it isn't at all clear to me when people are quoting someone else
*unless* all quotes are kept to less than a paragraph. When you're only talking
about a paragraph of text at a time, it works - but often that isn't the case.
Adding your own name before a paragraph, IMHO, could confuse people because
to me that looks like you are quoting yourself (reposting something you said
earlier) rather than saying something new.
I really do find it hard to understand why HPFGU needs a totally unique posting
style as opposed to just following developed standards. I think it's bad practice
I can understand not having any standards (though I think it's a bad idea) and
following standard 'net practices. But I'm still not clear why HPFGU expects it's
own unique style to be followed (even if it's not that strictly enforced) - the only
other lists I have been on that have imposed list-specific styles have done so for
legal or academic reasons. The thing is I'm not even sure what style, if any,
HPFGU expects people to follow:
"In replying, be clear about whom you're quoting. Please put quoted material
*before* your own comments, and identify the author at the beginning of the
quote. And to be kind to those who have limited mailbox capacity, please snip
(edit down) all quoted material, leaving only the minimum necessary for others to
understand what you're replying to. If you've quoted more than a paragraph
without inserting a comment of your own, or if the quoted material is longer than
your own remarks, you probably haven't snipped enough."
That's from the Humungous Bigfile.
That text doesn't say "Put an attribution before every paragraph"- just "at the
beginning of the quote". Yet, I've had list elves e-mail me telling me to put a name
in front of every paragraph.
Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately | www.alphalink.com.au/~drednort/thelab.html
(ISTJ) | drednort at ... | ICQ: 6898200
"You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one
thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the
facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be
uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that
need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia
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