In defense of lurkers
glovvgirl at
Mon Nov 24 23:46:49 UTC 2003
Hello there!
X-Original-Yahoo-Groups-Redacted-From: "glovvgirl" <glovvgirl at ...>
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There have been a few comments on this new board on the subject of
lurkers: trying to limit their numbers, possibly removing them from
the list, and/or forcing members to opt-in again if they haven't
posted for a while.
Christian had a very fine response to this issue, but I want to
underscore it some more, and hopefully put another nail in this
particular coffin.
To the extent that this list has problems, they do not come from
lurkers. On the contrary--most the complaints I have read are about
people who post and what they do or do not do. Lurkers, on the other
hand, cause no extra work for the list administration, and they never
violate posting guidelines.
Imagine if everyone on HPfGU posted even just once a month--that
would increase the traffic on this list 5-fold, seriously stressing
the Yahoo-imposed limit of 15 moderators and all around making the
list unmanageable.
Furthermore, presumably lurkers are lurking because they don't have
anything to say. Do you really want to force them to post so that
they can say, well, nothing of value?
Make posters jump through hoops if you must, but leave us lurkers
alone. :)
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