The Lurker Thing
Dicentra spectabilis
dicentra at
Sun Nov 30 23:56:07 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "Saitaina" <saitaina at w...> wrote:
> Danielle wrote:
> <Do lurkers affect the list administration in
> any demonstrable way? I
> only get Admin messages in my mailbox, and
> these are rare.>
> I see no way that lurkers affect the list
> administration, nor the list in any way
> beyond our first Welcoming Message.
I think lurkers are wonderful, myself. They cause the Elves much
*less* trouble than the posters, in fact, because they never post
anything inappropriate that needs to be Howlered or rejected.
Like Saitana said, we send a Welcoming message to all new members, but
beyond that, we don't fuss with people unless they post incorrectly.
Having a ton of people on the membership list doesn't seem to slow
things down at all. (My inner fussbudget wants to clean out all those
who don't want to lurk *or* participate anymore so that we can get an
accurate idea of how many people are *really* on the list, but because
the extra folks aren't a problem, there's really no reason to do so.)
Don't feel guilty if you're a lurker. Lurking is perfectly OK.
Lurking is *encouraged*. Not everyone likes to post their ideas, nor
should they have to. I wish some of our *posters* would learn the
fine art of Just Lurking. What if *JKR* lurked on HPfGU occasionally?
We certainly wouldn't want to kick *her* off, would we?
Hats off to Lurkers, the body and soul of HPfGU!
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