ADMIN: We'd Like to Pick Your Brains About TBAY

Blair SnapesSlytherin at
Tue Dec 2 21:15:00 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "abigailnus" 
<abigailnus at y...> wrote:
> 1. We'd like to know how you perceive TBAY. How would you describe
> TBAY messages? What do you feel is the most important aspect of a 
>TBAY message? What does the term 'TBAY theory' mean to you? What, 
>if any, is the difference between a TBAY theory and a regular HPfGU 

I personally love the TBAY messages.  They're sort of a role playing 
way to tell a theory.  TBAY theories, to me, are theories that have 
boats  (Big Bang Destroyer, etc.).  The only difference between a 
TBAY theory and a regular HPfGU theory is that the author of the 
theory chose to format their theory in a different way.

> 2. Do you read TBAY messages? Have you ever posted a TBAY message? 
>If you have, what prompted you to do so? Have you ever wanted to 
>respond to a TBAY thread but chose not to because of the format? 
>What about the TBAY format made you reluctant to post?

I always read the TBAY messages.  I've posted a few TBAY messages, 
being the Captian of SILK SHIRTS and all.  I just wanted to try 
TBAY, so I posted one that was rather lack luster, but it got the 
job done.  The format makes it hard to post if you don't know the 
people, because then you feel like you're putting words in their 
mouth.  And you don't want to have them supporting theories and 
ideas that the poster wouldn't on-list.

> 3. How accessible do you find the TBAY format? Do you find 
>discussions of older theories (such as MAGIC DISHWASHER) on TBAY 
>more or less accessible then discussions of older theories in 
>regular posts (such as Evil!Lupin)? Do Hypothetic Alley (home of 
>several major TBAY theories) and Fantastic Posts help to make TBAY 
>posts more accessible? What can veteran TBAY-ers do to make newbies 
>feel more welcome?

TBAY is pretty hard.  It's confusing when you have alot of people on 
one topic, and I'm afraid of the terrible "not reading all posts in 
a thread".  To this day I do not understand MAGIC DISHWASHER (and I 
have been on the list since 4-24-2002.  Hypothetic Alley helps to 
know what the theories mean, but I don't think it makes the format 
any easier.  The only thing I can think of to help newbies is to 
maybe have them read old TBAYs and maybe e-mail vets to ask them if 
they're doing it right.

> 4. What do you find confusing about TBAY? What would you like to 
>know before posting? What would make you more likely to post in a 
>TBAY style?

TBAY is confusing because people don't know what everyone stands 
for.  It would be alot easier if people knew who was on what boat, 
who started certain theories, and who believes/defends/opposes 
different theories.  My TBAYs usually end in me talking to myself 
like a madwoman because I don't want to put words in a listee's 
mouth that wouldn't be there.


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