[HPFGU-Feedback] ADMIN: We'd Like to Pick Your Brains About TBAY
Constance Vigilance
constancevigilance at constancevigilance.yahoo.invalid
Tue Dec 2 22:30:24 UTC 2003
Ah. TBAY. The VERY best of this list. when I first joined the group, nearly two years ago now (do I qualify as an OLD FART yet?), TBAY was just coalescing out of the Shipping Wars. I have not posted in this format yet, although I will as soon as my SHIP gets out of dry dock.
For beginners as well as OLD FARTs, I'd like to have a "The Story Thus Far" summary with post numbers. I'd like a TBAY Lexicon that identifies the SHIPs, Denizens and structures of the Bay. In fact, I'd be delighted to volunteer to do just that, if you would like.
But back to your questions.
1. We'd like to know how you perceive TBAY. How would you describe
TBAY messages? What do you feel is the most important aspect of a TBAY
message? What does the term 'TBAY theory' mean to you? What, if any, is
the difference between a TBAY theory and a regular HPfGU theory?
TBAY is theorizing which puts on skin and comes to life. The TBAY poster must have a dedication to a theory that enables them to create an avatar and be prepared to defend it. For this reason, TBAY postings tend to be more well thought out than simple theory posts.
2. Do you read TBAY messages? Have you ever posted a TBAY message? If
you have, what prompted you to do so? Have you ever wanted to respond
to a TBAY thread but chose not to because of the format? What about the
TBAY format made you reluctant to post?
I *CRAVE* TBAY posts. I search for them and FILKs several times a day. I haven't posted in TBAY because they are, well, sort of intimidating, given the talent that we have on our list.
3. How accessible do you find the TBAY format? Do you find discussions
of older theories (such as MAGIC DISHWASHER) on TBAY more or less
accessible then discussions of older theories in regular posts (such as
Evil!Lupin)? Do Hypothetic Alley (home of several major TBAY theories)
and Fantastic Posts help to make TBAY posts more accessible? What can
veteran TBAY-ers do to make newbies feel more welcome?
Actually, our list has become so unweildy that recovering older theories AT ALL is difficult. I echo a previous respondent who demoans the loss of currency of the Fantastic Posts archive. Of course, in the bruhaha that created this Feedback list, we learned that the Fantastic Posts archive was one of the features that suffered in the crossfire. I hope that this is being addressed. I completely rely on INISH ALLEY and Hypothetic Alley to keep things straight. Plus, reading through the acronyms is a really entertaining way to waste some time. By the way, there were a couple of Really Long acronyms that never made it to INISH. They were great and deserve to be enshrined with the others.
4. What do you find confusing about TBAY? What would you like to know
before posting? What would make you more likely to post in a TBAY style?
As I said, I'd like to see a TBAY Lexicon page. Can I do it? Please, can I?
Thanks for asking.
Constance Vigilance
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