ADMIN: We'd Like to Pick Your Brains About TBAY

snazzzybird carmenharms at
Thu Dec 4 04:30:02 UTC 2003

--- <abigailnus at y...> wrote:
> <snip>
> So, if you could take the time to answer these questions, and maybe 
> a few of your own, we'd really appreciate it, and we hope that in 
turn the
> list will as well.
> 1. We'd like to know how you perceive TBAY. How would you describe
> TBAY messages? What do you feel is the most important aspect of a 
> message? What does the term 'TBAY theory' mean to you? What, if 
any, is
> the difference between a TBAY theory and a regular HPfGU theory? 

TBAY messages are theories personified and acted out, usually 
involving the interaction of two or more characters or theory 
proponents.  The most important aspect is the point made by this 
interaction.  My impression of the difference between a TBAY theory 
and a regular theory is that it has been completely analyzed and 
backed up with canon, and is (or soon will be) familiar enough to 
most TBAY participants that it is recognizable by its acronym.

> 2. Do you read TBAY messages? Have you ever posted a TBAY message? 
> you have, what prompted you to do so? Have you ever wanted to 
> to a TBAY thread but chose not to because of the format? What about 
> TBAY format made you reluctant to post?

I do read TBAY messages and enjoy them very much.  I like the 
creativity that goes into them.  I posted one myself, and I chose 
that format because my observation was "piggybacked" on a TBAY 
theory.  The interaction between myself and the proponent seemed like 
the most direct way to make my point.  I've never been reluctant to 
reply to a TBAY thread.

> 3. How accessible do you find the TBAY format? Do you find 
> of older theories (such as MAGIC DISHWASHER) on TBAY more or less
> accessible then discussions of older theories in regular posts 
(such as
> Evil!Lupin)? Do Hypothetic Alley (home of several major TBAY 
> and Fantastic Posts help to make TBAY posts more accessible? What 
> veteran TBAY-ers do to make newbies feel more welcome?

I find the TBAY format quite accessible.  To me, the older theories 
are equally accessible in the TBAY and regular formats; it's simply a 
difference in style.  Hypothetic Alley and Fantastic Posts were a 
great help to me when I first joined the list.

> 4. What do you find confusing about TBAY? What would you like to 
> before posting? What would make you more likely to post in a TBAY 

I don't find TBAY confusing.  What makes me more likely to post in 
that style is the nature of the theory I'm presenting.  If it is 
related to, or refutes, a theory that is already in the TBAY format, 
I'll post my two cents' worth in that format.

--snazzzybird, who singed her tailfeathers with the BIC LIGHTER 

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