[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: ADMIN: We'd Like to Pick Your Brains About TBAY
Shaun Hately
drednort at drednort.geo.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 4 08:57:31 UTC 2003
On 3 Dec 2003 at 21:33, msbeadsley wrote:
> I like TBAY. TBAY messages are like puppet shows, little vignettes
> produced to illustrate ideas about HP in a whimsical format. Although
> it's somewhat campy and can be confusing, it's fun and adds freshness
> and creativity to the board (which has somewhat of a tendency to
> grind away in plodding, pedantic discussion now and then).
Yes - but what I think may be being missed is that some people actually *enjoy*
that 'plodding, pedantic, discussion', as you describe it. Some of us don't think
there'd be anything particularly wrong with a list where people just discussed
matters in a straightforward fashion and don't feel any great need for flights of
I think that's why there's a discussion going on here (-8
I also think 'organised' whimsy is less whimsical than whimsy that just happens (-8
Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately | www.alphalink.com.au/~drednort/thelab.html
(ISTJ) | drednort at ... | ICQ: 6898200
"You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one
thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the
facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be
uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that
need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia
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