More About TBAY

msbeadsley msbeadsley at
Thu Dec 4 21:24:53 UTC 2003

>How is TBAY role-playing, may I ask?

> Role-playing is the taking on of a character and moving them around 
> in a situation. Doesn't matter if the character is you, it's
> still role-playing.  Doesn't matter if somewhere in all the dribble 
> and setting there is a cannon point, it's still role-playing.  And 
> it's not what I came here for.

Is TBAY role-playing? I'd say, "sometimes." So what? ("Dibble" is 
pejorative...why go there, eh?) And "it's not what I came here for" 
may as easily be an indication that one is in the wrong place as one 
that something present in the place is out-of-place. (Gods, am I 
doing Rumsfeld? <Reference OT Chatter discussion>) FYI: I am speaking 
in the most general terms here and am *not* implying that anyone 
should go/be elsewhere.

> Is Boethius's "Consolation of Philosophy" now a role-playing game?

> Okay, as I have no clue what the hell you're referencing here I'm 
> assuming you're trying to prove just how smarter you are then
> me...not working.

Although *I* would have guessed from the name that Boethius was a 
*painter* (silly, uneducated (but I am smart) me), I can see the 
relevance of pointing out that (and this was not the first reference 
to this) the TBAY style predates the recognition of "role-playing" 
(as a distinct subset of forms of human communication/interaction); 
and the specifics (names, titles) are handy as evidence that one is 
not just making things up.

(Uh, it's "smarter than," not "smarter then," as I pointed out a few 
posts back (is this some new (grrr) *style* that's passed me 
by?); "than" is a comparator and "then" is either "thus" or refers 
to "when," or a combination of the two. Or something like that--as I 
said, I'm uneducated. But autodidactic.)

> I RP and I write fanfiction, and honestly, they are nothing 
> similar to TBAY.
> I RP and I write fanfiction as well, in fact those two are what I 
> devote most of my time to besides my own writings.  And they ARE
> similar, in fact they're quite the same considering some of the 
> theories I've seen here have been in my offlist role-plays...the
> only difference is that while you all have your own names and 
> places, I play with the actual cannon characters...not that big of a
> difference really.

I RP. I write some, too; fiction, and otherwise. I see similarities 
in TBAY. Isn't >this< *really* a matter of perception? And, anyway, 
is it *the* issue at hand?


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