TBAY/This list/combining posts
hp at gulplum.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 4 23:25:22 UTC 2003
Eileen replied to my previous comments with:
> And the fact is that TBAY as a category lives up to HPFGU
> standard for canon discussion. Specific TBAY posts may not, but
> *any* post to HPFGU may not live up to the HPFGU standards. So, to
> suggest that the category is any less valid because someone hasn't
> followed the rules of the category is a non sequitur to say the
> least.
Sorry to be call you on this, but I have been absolutely consistent
in stating that I have nothing against TBAY as a "category".
What I have been trying to put across is my perception that over the
last two years, the concept has become increasingly cheapened, and
the proportion of fluff in TBAY posts as a whole has increased
dramatically. For instance, the last few TBAY posts I looked at
included whole preambles which actually had nothing to do with the
topic at hand.
To put it very briefly, the metaphors of TBAY itself are beginning to
take over from the metaphors of the theories being discussed.
The reason why TBAY is an issue for debate for me is similar to what
Shaun has been saying: whilst there are fairly frequent adminitions
to members to trim quotes and use some form of attribution, there is
no evidence that any effort is being put into keeping TBAY in order.
I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but I've not seen
any ADMIN messages advising TBAYers to curb their enthusiasm for
flights of fancy, and to put it bluntly, "keep to the point".
I have other things to say about the quality of posts in general, and
will say them in due course (yes, I have a LOT to say on that
subject), but for the time being, we're talking about TBAY, and I
agree with Shaun that a *perception* that TBAY is being "privileged"
by not being reined in as much as standard discursive posts is
perfectly reasonable (OK, it's a perception I happen to share, so I
*would* say that, wouldn't I?). :-)
Incidentally, as there has been talk of a TBAY "primer" of some sort,
I would suggest that the easiest and least cumbersome method of doing
it would be for the Captains of the various vessels and other TBAY
denizens to write up a short summary of their positions themselves.
This would avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, and give each
theorist the opportunity to use their own words and thus weigh the
various components of their theories as they see fit. (A perfect
example of what I mean is that the main MAGIC DISHWASHER explanation
on the Fantastic Posts page comes from Grey Wolf).
I think that's my last word on the TBAY debate (although I reserve
the right to return to the subject) :-) as I think I've repeated
myself enough already and don't need to repeat myself *again*. :-)
There was a question of what function this list should perform
(sorry, I'm on web view and thus have difficulty referring to other
posts, so I'm not quoting). IMO, the "welcome" message made it
absolutely clear that the ADMIN team was not going to consider this a
policy-making forum, but a consultative one.
I am a firm believer in intelligent market research and customer/user
feedback. If you don't know that something's wrong (or perceived to
be wrong - perception forms a great percentage of human interaction),
you can't fix it. Of course, it's up to whoever is "in charge" to
decide to fix it or not - people have a right to take their custom
elsewhere if matters of importance to them are not fixed to their
I therefore don't expect everything I've said (or have yet to say) to
be taken on board and acted upon, but I know that I have at least
highlighted my concerns. They might be trivial, and they might be
concerns which others might not share, but this is a community and
it's not a democracy but a benevolent dictatorship, with "those in
charge" simply trying to help the largest number of people have fun
while treading on the fewest feet possible. (urgh. Too many metaphors
in there, I think.)
On the subject of combining posts. I have deliberately included this
here to show one of the (potential) downsides of this convention.
I've written a heck of a lot of words in this post already, and I
suspect that a lot of people will either have given up reading it by
now, or their attention is beginning to drift. Including too many
topics in a single post is therefore perhaps not particularly
My own (usual) standard for combining posts is that if I have
something substantive to say in one thread, and a short comment in
another, I will usually append the short comment to the longer post.
The same applies if I have short comments to make on two (or more)
topics, or indeed to two (or more) posts on the same topic. If I have
several paragraphs to say on two separate topics, I will post two
separate messages.
That is a result of my interpretation of the "combine posts"/"no one-
liners" rules. Of course, one-liners are a no-no, and I take that
reasonably literally, i.e. more than one extended paraghraph is an OK
post, less is not.
Catlady is a perfect example of combined posts (sometimes, to be
honest, perhaps she includes a few too many in each post) :-) because
they are collections of (apposite and valuable) short contributions.
I would not expect multi-paragraph contributions in several threads
to be combined, partially for the reasons I outlined above, partially
because it makes threading difficult, and partially because two short-
ish posts are easier to read than one long one.
I suspect that this very post has made my point. :-)
GulPlum AKA Richard, who stands suitably admonished by the person who
reminded us to sign posts :-)
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