Two Questions on TBAY/Archives
abigailnus at
Sun Dec 7 17:59:48 UTC 2003
> Jen R: I've always assumed creating a TBAY is equal
to "Originating"
> a theory, becoming an author of a theory.
Oh, not hardly. As David so astutely pointed out in an earlier
message, there's no such thing as a TBAY theory. Some theories have
been brought (taken, dragged) into the TBAY format, but that doesn't
mean that they are the sole property of TBAY. In fact, many, if not
most, of the theories that are today almost universally associated
with TBAY posts originated outside of TBAY (George, MAGIC
DISHWASHER, Imperius!Arthur, to name but a few), and are still
discussed outside of TBAY (see Pip's recent addition to the MD
canon, which had a brief TBAY intro but generally kept its feet dry).
TBAY is a mode of discussion. A stylistic choice. It does not
affect the theory, except inasmuch as any discussion of a theory
affects it and helps it to grow.
That's what I meant by
> unilaterally, in the case that all the people on the thread don't
> work off-list together to author the TBAY. But maybe my assumption
> is off-base, and most people see TBAY as just a different style
> rather than "claiming" a theory?
I don't think anyone can 'claim' a theory. At best, we have people
who are the most prolific defenders of a particular theory, but this
isn't the same thing. Take my example. I didn't come up with
Imperius!Arthur. It was Elkins' idea, and when she first came up
with it I had a lukewarm reaction to it and used the theory as a
springboard for my own Auror!Arhtur (I call it my own because I came
up with it and to the best of my knowledge no one else before me had
ever suggested such a theory, but that is the extent of
my 'ownership' of it, as I will illustrate). A few months later,
Veronica came upon Elkins' I!A posts and moved the theory into TBAY,
requesting a ship for it. Elkins obliged and created the Imperius!
Arthur Trimaran. At this point, I became completely sold on I!A,
but only posted TBAY about my own Auror!Arthur as a sub-theory of
the trimaran theory.
After OOP was published, I wanted to address the affects the new
canon had on I!A, but neither Veronica nor Elkins were around. So I
posted my own TBAY about I!A. A few months later, Erin asked if she
could come aboard, and offered her own new canon to the theory. So,
at this point, my TBAY incarnation is captain of the I!A trimaran,
but that doesn't make the theory mine. On the other hand, Imperius!
Arthur is as much mine as it is Elkins', and as much Erin's as it is
mine. Basically, a theory is yours if you believe in it, promote
it, and defend it, although I would hope that anyone taking up the
mantle of a preexisting theory would have the good grace to mention
the names of the people who came before them (in your hypothetical,
Jen, the person moving into TBAY might bring the other members of
the thread with them).
> Jen, still trying to understand this elusive TBAY thing..
Well, I'm hoping that the primer will address this confusion.
Thanks for all the great feedback, but most especially all the
constructive suggestions. I'd like to see more of that and less
discussion of whehter or not TBAY has a right to exist. :-)
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