[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: Possible Threat to the HPFGU Family of Lists
silverdragon at naryis.yahoo.invalid
silverdragon at naryis.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 8 11:26:05 UTC 2003
Rrishi wrote
>>Are there any other options in terms of websites capable of hosting
groups like ours? I'd like to point out that Yahoo groups were
blocked for several months this year by the government in India
(where I live) because a small insurgent group in the northeast
occasionally used a Yahoo group to communicate. Yahoo refused to
block this group and thus the government in a fit of illiterate
petulance blocked off all of Yahoo groups. Yahoo may not have caved
that time, but in the past (with China, for instance) they have
shown themselves willing to yield. What I mean is -- Yahoo is
probably the biggest provider of egroup facilities anywhere on the
Internet, so it is among the most political and visible. Can we
think of somewhere safer?<<
Smartgroups is quite hospitable. Another list I belonged to was deleted by Yahoo (no explanation); we moved all ops to smartgroups. They have (or at least had) a zip. function for uploading files too (five at once), so it's much quicker to get the job done. It's worth a look if anyone is worried.
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