[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: ADMIN: Possible Threat to the HPFGU Family of Lists

Heidi Tandy heidilist at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 8 23:20:20 UTC 2003

Erm, guys, sorry I didn't combine...

Tom, I think you're a bit confused here:

>>  As our experience with the auxiliary group showed, Yahoo does not
>>  give notice before they delete a group. While it might seem
>>  incredible that they would delete a group with nearly 90,000 posts
>>  and three-plus years of history without investigating the details
> of
>>  an accusation, we have to be cautious, and beg Yahoo to listen to
>>  both sides of the story if a complaint is made.
> Tom:
> Again, what was that group for, if it had 90,000 posts? Who's on
> that group? What was the group's URL?

Tom, it seemed clear to me that the reference to a 90,000-post group was 
a reference to the main list and the unbelievableness was speculative, 
not actual.

All 11,000 or so of the main list members are on that group; we know the 
url well.

Heidi, personally

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