ADMIN: Possible Threat to HPfGU lists
Leilani Sian
lanibird96 at
Wed Dec 10 22:21:50 UTC 2003
> Iggy here:
> And, if you notice, it has been suggested that the discussions don't
> need to stop, but it might be better to move them to another group
> location.
> <snip>
> I would also like to point out that these friends of the list aren't
> encouraging crushing discussion about certain themes. We are simply
> trying to make people aware that such discussions could be
> for the group and might want to be moved elsewhere.
> <snip>
On the other hand, if we
> ignore the fact that keeping one topic type open on this list could
> get the list as a whole shut down, then we're actually doing more
> to the group.
I understand what you are saying, and do agree to an extent, however
I personally do not feel this action pertains to the problem. It
seems we are dealing with a malicious person(s) whose goal is to
disrupt the HPfGU community, and a Yahoo! with a history of not
investigating claims. All it would take would be for Yahoo! to
believe a complaint. The complaint could be a complete fabrication,
but since there would be no investigation the list would still be
deleted no matter what the topics actually are on the thread. It
wouldn't matter if the entire list was make up of threads disscussing
the regulation of cauldron thickness, a lie would end it all. I
think the best we can do for the time is to go on as usual, and give
the elves all the support we can.
Leilani - who would happy send Yahoo! an e-mail an hour to plead for
an investigation into complaints should one be made. She just needs
an address..
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