ADMIN: Possible Threat to HPfGU lists
msbeadsley at
Thu Dec 11 00:56:39 UTC 2003
> Even a form letter sent from an official standpoint is
> binding. If they do shut the groups down, and cannot prove that
> they actually performed the investigation they said they would (and
> provide ample proof of violation of the terms of usage) then they
> are in breach of contract. *grin* (Can you say "class action
> lawsuit?" *laugh*)
Now, not to offend you or anything, but this strikes me as just plain
silly, Iggy; not to mention being nothing but a further muddying of
the waters. The saying goes, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease," but
I've always wondered if it might not sometimes just help speed along
the day when the whole dern wagon gets broken down for firewood.
Do you have *any* experience with legal definitions or procedures at
all (and television shows don't count)? Have you actually read what
Yahoo's terms of service and disclaimers say?
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