[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: Another country heard from... (was: Thoughts on exclusion and culture) LONG

Kathryn Cawte kcawte at slytherinspirit.yahoo.invalid
Fri Dec 12 08:48:29 UTC 2003

> "I feel quite
> uncomfortable with the idea of posting a non TBAY reply to a TBAY
> post - but it seems to me that TBAY posters have little problem
> the idea of taking a thread that is being discussed in a
> straightforward fashion and TBAYing it."

Why?  What could possibly happen if you took an idea you've read in a
TBAY post and discussed it in a non-TBAY manner?  Would the list

Me (K)

I agree with Gwen to a certain extent - I also would feel uncomfortable
responding to a TBAY in a 'straight' post, *but* that's mainly because I
rarely read TBAY and feel that I might have missed something in their
argument since a lot of TBAY posts refer to past events/theories etc and I
ccept that the fact I don't want to do the research necessary to make sure
I've understood what the person I'm replying to means is *my* problem and I
don't blame that on TBAY at all. The main reason there aren't over many
non-TBAY replies to TBAY arguments is because those of us who don't like it
immediately hit delete when we see the prefix.

> I honestly blame TBAY for much of the downward slide list quality
> taken over the last 2 years - from the moment people started
> inserting themselves into the action, instead of remaining

Is there any evidence at all to back this up, or any evidence that
more than maybe 1/1000 of 1% of our membership feels that way?

I don't think the 'downward slide' is anything to do with TBAY - in fact I
think it's a lot more to do with the attitude of the posters rather than the
'quality' of the discussion. I find there are more people who are willing to
complain if you're discussing something they don't want you to or aren't
interested in and more people who seem to *willfully* misunderstand what
you're saying - not those people who genuinely misunderstand you, those I
can cope with, we all do it occasionally, but people who seem willing to
twist your words to suit their argument by taking things out of context or
just ignoring the bits they disagree with. And I'm also not convinced it's
been taking place over the last two years, I think it's more sudden, dating
from a ciouple of months, maybe slightly more, before the OoP release.

Does anyone think Joywitch could benefit from those assertiveness classes
Amanda suggested for Saitain earlier? ;) Really joywitch, you need to come
out of your shell and say what you think. *cough* :)


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