My two knuts
joym999 at
Thu Jan 29 22:00:20 UTC 2004
--- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "davewitley"
<dfrankiswork at n...> wrote:
> I think everybody else had long forgotten the exchange between
> Gwen and Joy,
> which, quite frankly, I think it pointless to discuss here. I have
> every confidence that the admin team handled that matter offlist,
> and would expect to see no onlist evidence of it.
David's right, but I have a few things to say. First of all, I found
Tom's whole argument to be pointless. You used passages of my post
to illustrate your argument that my post was rude. What does that
prove? I know it was rude, you know it was rude, we all know it was
rude. I even said in the post:
"And yes, I know I'm being extremely rude and intolerant and I'll
probably get howlered."
And, yes, I did get a howler, and I apologized to the admin team for
being rude in public, but you can only put up with someone who does
nothing but insult and attack for so long....but, anyway, David's
right, there's no point in rehashing all that.
Back to Tom's post. Tom seems to be using my rude post to prove that
rudeness does indeed exist on HPfGU and that the admin team doesn't
always respond to it exactly as the HBfile says they will. So what?
What the hell is the point of that sort of nitpicky, fine-print
reading? If he actually had some evidence that, say, the rules are
applied arbitrarily that some posts have been removed because they
were rude and others weren't, or that some rude posts result in
howlers and others don't, then he would have an argument. But he
doesn't have evidence of any of those things. He seems to be harping
on this to try and prove that the admin team is, in some vague
undefined way, a bunch of bad people.
Why would Tom do this? Does he really care that my post wasn't
deleted? I doubt it, frankly. I would bet the farm that Tom doesn't
give a flying Firebolt whether that post is deleted or not. What
this is all about is, once again, is Cindy. Tom, it seems to me, is
holding a grudge against the admin team for banning Cindy, and as a
result spends all his time on this list walking up and back in front
of Hexquarters with a picket sign reading "Unfair!" all for Cindy's
Tom, I can't prove that you are the one who is sending Cindy posts
from this (or other) HPfGU lists, but someone obviously is because
she has been unashamedly sending offlists to people with direct
references to current HPfGU discussions. And I can't prove that you
are in constant contact with Cindy, or that you are posting things
that she has written, but your writing style sure seems
schizophrenic, and often very, very familiar to me.
Cindy was banned from HPfGU because she was divisive and disruptive
and created months of havoc and heartache. All of us believed her "I
was wronged" act, and all of us eventually realized it was
ridiculous. You are just one in a long line of people who is doing
her bidding, Tom, and I have a word of advice for you. Cindy will
drive you away the same way she has driven away every friend she's
ever had on HPfGU. One of these days you'll disagree with her about
something, or refuse to do something she wants you to do, and you'll
wind up on her shitlist with the rest of us.
And, just to reiterate Amanda's point, I am NOT a member of the admin
team, although I was until about 7 months ago. Also, I haven't
discussed this with the admin team and I don't know, or care, if they
approve or disapprove of what I have to say. Maybe I am risking have
this, and all my other posts deleted, or even being banned from this
list. That would be the admin team's decision, and they would be
entitled to do it. But I can't stand people who don't have the
courage to just come out and say what they mean, and I can't stand
people who lie, and manipulate, and try to destroy an otherwise
pleasant community for their own bizarre purposes.
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