[HPFGU-Feedback] Back to That Copyright Clause.
Przemyslaw Plaskowicki
przepla at pshemekan.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jan 29 23:37:17 UTC 2004
Tom Wall wrote:
>"Further, in so posting, you also grant the HPFGU LIst
>Administrators the license to use, distribute,
>reproduce, modify, adapt and publicly display such
>post(s) for the purposes of providing and promoting
>the various HP4GU groups and sites."
Is this clause was ever used?
>Unfortunately, I think it may possibly be the case
>that because of this error, the Admin team actually
>might have accidentally released everyone from their
>obligations under that clause.
No. Such thing must be stated explicitly.
>So, this is one way to look at it: Everything posted
>between 16-June and 05-December is not subject to this
>rule, and therefore use of any of this material is
>prohibited without explicit permission from the
With an exception of so called "fair use" --
>This means that all of that material is still under her
>own copyright, as she was only bound by the version of the HBfile
>that came out in June and cannot be expected to abide by rules that
>went into effect after she was banned.
If banned members feels that her (or his) Intellectual Properties rights
have been violated, it would be advisable to contact an attorney, and
settle this controversy in the court of law. This list is by no means
suitable to such problems.
>I.e. None of Cindy's work has been ceded to HPfGU formally, which
>means that she still has the rights to all of it.
But she sent them to me and many other people. They've got those letters
in my inbox. I can do whatever I'd like with them within Fair Use doctrine.
>Just wondering what y'all are thinking about this.
What are you trying to achieve, Tom?
Przemyslaw 'Pshemekan' Plaskowicki
Force without wisdom falls of its own weight. (Horace, Odes)
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