[HPFGU-Feedback] Just curious...

Shaun Hately drednort at drednort.geo.yahoo.invalid
Wed Apr 14 12:34:19 UTC 2004

On 13 Apr 2004 at 22:04, Kelley wrote:

> I'm wondering -- how many folks here also own / mod / help run a 
> Yahoo group?  Or used to?  I know plenty have and do; just wondering 
> if there's a significant number of 'mods' here on Feedback, I suppose 
> in comparison to the proportion on the main list.

I own about five, help to run another three or so - plus being a 
mod on three other non-yahoo based e-mail lists.
> Also curious, in how many groups are people here typically active?  I 
> mean, I belong to a jillion, but am only really active / actively 
> lurk on about a dozen or so.

I'm on about 250 groups - active on about 50 of them. It helps that 
I only sleep three hours a night (-8 Actually, that's one of the 
reasons I joined groups - it helps to fill in dead hours and I have 
a lot of them.

> At the moment, there's been quite a discussion in one of those groups 
> about "digest readability" (basically "snipping") and "top posting 
> vs. bottom posting" (top posting -- new comments placed at the top; 
> bottom posting -- our convention of quoted material first with new 
> comments following).  Not surprisingly, there are as many opinions as 
> there are list members, <g>, but there are decent points made about 
> both options.  

There can't be! Top-posting is inherently evil and cannot be 
justified under any circumstances on a list. (-8

> Anyway, considering how many times the list elves have discussed 
> these issues, it's just kind of amusing to me that so many others are 
> having the same discussions. <g>  Also reinforces that attentive 
> moderation and posting rules can be Good Things. ;-)

I've been seeing discussions like these for well over a decade now 
in different forums - it is amusing to me as well, that people keep 
going over and over these things in dozens of different forums.

Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately | www.alphalink.com.au/~drednort/thelab.html
(ISTJ)       | drednort at ... | ICQ: 6898200 
"You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one
thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the 
facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be 
uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that 
need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia

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