What Price Success? Improving Posting Quality on HPfGU

M.Clifford Aisbelmon at valkyrievixen.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 9 03:00:30 UTC 2005

Hi everyone,

I have been giving this some long and serious thought, We have four? 
major lists, and there is still a volume problem? 

I thought about my own feelings a lot, and I came to the conclusion 
that as a member, I really actually preferred the high volume of 
posts here to any low volume list I have visited. As a list Elf, I 
can understand that one would feel differently, but to be quite 
honest, less posting doesn't appeal to me at all. 

I wondered if focusing on reducing the volume of posts would really 
be a positive thing to do, and I honestly decided that, No it 
wouldn't. It wouldn't be in the spirit or tradition of HPFGU to do 
so either. In the past HPFGU has placed filters on the lists which 
have made some subject matter and styles of posting easier to find 
and IMHO in doing so the list has retained a sense of positive 
building rather than culling to manage influx, which is quite 
possibly why it has become singularly most loved among HP forums.

Though I fear I may not get a lot of agreement on this matter, I 
feel I need to make my opinion known anyhow. I truly hope that the 
outcome of this discussion will be a optimistic and positive plan 
for some growth and evolution of the HPFGU network, and not, what is 
IMO, a negative approach of censoring or limiting the creative 
contribution of each member.

I would like to offer a basic plan for HBP to illustrate my position.

HPFGU needs: 
At least, 2 more lists -  One for Hypothetic Alley with an 
professionally calculated cataloguing plan to make finding posts 
easier. and One for High level discussions/debates and live research 
events, also catalogued and being specifically for the discussion of 
*one* topic at any given time. 
{Why/How this works.. Old and new Theories - especially the ones 
that still sail, are easier to find, can be read as they were 
intended by the author, new ones that don't initially generate 
interest are given further chance to get noticed by others who might 
be interested later (which in turn eliminates a *lot* of 
repetition), and it gives formal acknowlegment to a distinct and 
growing part of the HPFGU membership ie Long Debate and Theory.}

Volunteers to moderate/create and cooperate the operation of these 
lists in conjunction with HPFGU main list.
{Why this works.. The tasks of the ListElves are more widely spread 
and more specialised, so they can devote more time to the posts that 
they enjoy reading while doing their work, they are given more 
opportunity for a little creative input in their favourite sector of 
the HPFGU list. How this works... the listelves of the main list and 
each of the other lists communicate between themselves and recommend 
to each other post, topics and threads that could be invited to be 
catalogued on the two new lists, as well as members being able to 
recommend to each other to use the other lists for their said 

A larger and carefully organised web organisation umbrella - 
redesign the website to navigate new members directly to the portkey 
where they are navigationally guided on a quick tour of the HPFGU 
network (and maybe the Floo network too if possible) and given every 
opportunity to backread - consider their posting options - and view 
Hypotheticals, High level discussions, and group themes and mottoes 
BEFORE they are navigated to the main list to begin posting.
{How/Why this works... Newbies during and after HBP have an 
opportunity to lurk a while and take in the true immensity of the 
HPFGU list before they choose to join.}

This is all achievable with some clever web creation and 
forethought, so the real question is, what do you think of the plan?



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