Posting limits was Re: What Price Success? Improving Posting Quality on HPfGU
Aisbelmon at
Wed Feb 9 06:12:10 UTC 2005
--- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...>
> One thing I'd be glad to have input on is how we would measure
> success. Posting quality seems too subjective to be measured
> easily.
> Pippin
> (Peppy Elf)
I think, Pippin, that the sheer popularity of this list is the only
measure of success we need. HPFGU must have, so far, been managed
extraordinarily well considering it has 13000 subscribers and
apparently, relatively few complaints. There are concerns though,
and especially by those who were here during the OOtP tidal wave.
All understandable, but past measures (OTChatter - FAQ) have kept a
total crisis at bay for quite some time now. I think we should
measure our success by how well we embrace it, not by how
politically correctly we stifle it. Am I really alone on that?
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