[HPFGU-Feedback] Logistics and *non* elitist objectives. (Post Quality Discussion)

Sherry Gomes sherriola at sherriola.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 9 14:34:53 UTC 2005

One practical objection to having a list or group only available from the
main list is accessibility for members who are blind using screen reading
software.  This would only affect a small number of members, but I know that
I have recommended this group to several blind people I know from other
reading lists.  In order to join a group on yahoo, a person must enter a
graphical security image.  Our screen reading software cannot read these
graphics to us.  Even if a person is a member of yahoo, as I am, every time
that person wants to join a new group, the security image comes up.  The
only way around this for blind people is to join by email subscription, get
a sighted person to help you, be invited to join by a moderator, or wait on
the not so tender mercies of yahoo customer service for assistance.  Having
groups that could only be accessed from the main group site would
effectively limit people in this situation.

Besides, call me weird, but I don't mind the tennis debates on the main
list.  In fact, I love the mixture of posts.  I love the debate and the back
and forth that happens sometimes.  I also love the shorter discussions.  I
love the humor.  It is the most entertaining list I am on, and it is the
most enjoyable to read due to the usually stimulating discussion and thought
provoking topics that still manage to arise.  in fact, I recently started a
group for discussing Tolkien, and my hope is that someday, it will be
similar to HPFGU in the depth of discussion and the fun of being a part of


-----Original Message-----
From: M.Clifford [mailto:Aisbelmon at ...] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 4:31 AM
To: HPFGU-Feedback at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [HPFGU-Feedback] Logistics and *non* elitist objectives. (Post
Quality Discussion)

I would like to offer a general answer to this question for all, if 
you're not already sick of me.

Kathy.K  wrote:
< How will removing the well supported and thought-provoking posts to
another place encourage posters on the main list to post well
supported and thought-provoking messages? >

People will go there for a read. I recommend management put a hit 
counter on Fantastic Posts to see if people are willing to navigate 
away from the list for a read.
I bet most all people here who have joined in the last two years 
have read and enjoyed FP.

The only problem is FP is mostly many years out of date anyway, it 
is no longer practicable for management to keep up it fully up to 
date. Besides it has become rather an elitist thing itself and the 
foster parent of the fantasy golden age by default of more recent 
FP's being washed away in tides of posting. The members will keep 
this one up to date themselves.  And it would give *everyone* an 
opportunity to inspire others by making available to *all* a 
recognised place for their thought provoking posts and not just a 
carefully chosen handful, some no longer even members, from the 
past. The theory list is *not* a discussion list, the discussion 
remains here, when members are done discussing their theories and 
want them preserved for future interest they put them there.

The third list would be a place that people can *nominate* to use 
for debates and in depth discussion. They could book it or post a 
TT/Snape question to it, or management can decide to open it for a 
certain topic each week. Either way, in this place tennis match 
posting is the norm not the exception.

Both lists can be unlisted in the directory with the only link being 
from the main list, but veiwable by the public so members need not 
join the extra lists if they only like to watch.

My battle is with Yahoomort...


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