Posting limits was Re: What Price Success? Improving Posting Quality on HPfGU
stonehenge.orders at
Wed Feb 9 15:30:21 UTC 2005
Pippen/Peppy Elf wrote:
> One thing I'd be glad to have input on is how we would measure
> success. Posting quality seems too subjective to be measured
> easily.
Defining success is at the heart of this debate, completely aside from
what changes (if any) are made. The best suggestion I can come up
with is to take one of the recurring topics and compare what happened
in that thread both before and after making a modification. What you
look at in the thread depends on your aims. I wouldn't suggest number
of posts alone, maybe something more like counting the number of new
ideas (not historically new, but new for that discussion) per post?
Maybe give points to each post for various things that are desirable,
such as canon references, or count the number of sub-threads generated
off the discussion?
Defining what to quantify seems to me to be an elf activity, but I
think that you could use the recurring nature of topics to determine
whether a modification has had the desired effect.
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