[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: Spoiler Policy

Magda Grantwich mgrantwich at mgrantwich.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jun 22 20:08:04 UTC 2005

--- constancevigilance <constancevigilance at ...> wrote:
> I liked the way things were done for OOP. I DO like the idea of 
> shutting down the list for a couple of days, but not for spoilage,
> for 
> throttling. The first day the list was open after OOP, which was 46
> hours after release as I recall, the list was getting 2+ messages A
> MINUTE!! The content of most of the posts were of low quality - 
> excited babbling. I'd like to wait for a bit to allow the
> excitement bubble down into some quality discussion.
> OK. I'm wearing my flame-proof suit. Fire away.

You won't get any flames from me; I totally agree.  The last thing I
want is to wear out my DELETE key on hyper-excited ramblings about
how someone was first in line and what costume they wore to the


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