[HPFGU-Feedback] 5 Posts per day limit
saitaina at saitaina.yahoo.invalid
Tue Oct 24 20:57:04 UTC 2006
Shorty Elf wrote:
<The 5-post limit is *in* the posting rules; it's *in* the Humongous
BigFile. Those members who've been at HPfGU for more than a few months know
that we moved from 3 to 5. I do not understand what this evidence is that
the limit is "unfamiliar.>
I didn't know this was changed and I've been a member since 2001. When did
this happen?
Maybe it's just been that damn long since I was an active list member and
and elf, but I always thought so long as the posts did something for the
discusscion, were had substance and were far more then a one liner, that
rule was ignored. In fact, way back when, when I had an active role, I
barley remembered the rule in the first place.
...then again, I've forgotten most of the rules, because we still have too
many but that's a diffrent topic *grins*.
Jen wrote:
<To me it
seems almost impossible to write 6-7 truly substantive posts a day >
I doubt that. I know our members. They could write substantive posts until
their brains explode and then do it again tomorrow.
<People just get tired of seeing your name in my opinion. >
...I'm trying to figure out how this is a problem? It's the same issue as
getting sick to death of a topic. You can just skip messages. People have
the right on this list to support their theories, topics, opinions all they
want so long as it's within the rules. Just because someone is vocal
doesn't mean that they can't post if they can back it up and make it worth
If the five a day rule was to change (which it won't...in my opinion as a
non elf), those members would have just as much a right to post to their
hearts content as they would at any other time.
< I'm just
saying when you've been here day after day, year after year, and
seen what causes some of these rules to be put in place, it will
definitely help in the understanding deparment. >
Time does not equate understanding. Most newbies understand the reasons for
the rules just fine. Nor does time stop one from questioning the rules, and
asking for a review. I joined before the Humongous Big File (or whatever
it's called these days) was implimented and am still a member after it and I
question some of the rules...just not publically because I have no urge to
ask for a review (or a debate with the elves).
<Many of the rules
are long before my time, but I'll bet they all came because multiple
members were tearing their hair out over some annoying problem
rather than the whim of elves or whatever you many think (not sure). >
I vote whim (kidding elves!).
Honestly I don't remember how the rules came about (probably because I was
an elf just after their creation), but most of them were for the ease of the
elves jobs and cleaning up the list if I recall correctly (and I bet
anything an older elf is going to correct me). They serve the same function
as multiple sister lists, order to chaos.
While members always have input, in the end any decision IS left to the whim
of the elves (and back in the day, the Mod Tower). Well, not whim so much
as what the elves can do for the better of the list and saving their sanity.
And on the actual subject of five posts a day, while I understand SOME of
the reasoning behind it (chaos control, keeping the list on topic and worth
reading, keeping elf sanity (always important!), and so forth), I'm not sure
if the rule is really something that should be in place , or is in the best
It doesn't effect me, let's get that out of the way right away. I don't
post and hardley read the main list anymore, but for those that ARE active
posters, that post substantial, worth wild topics and read the list, I think
that the rule might be a bit...antiquated.
We have a lot of members, we have a lot of opinions and topics, five posts a
day stiffles those and creates harder discussions because you're bouncing
all over to catch up with the conversation. Threads of discussion are lost
as replies are combined into topics that one might accidently skip over.
While this would not be a problem if all the replies were to the same thread
of discussion, it does get a bit annoying when the replies are to SEVERAL
topics of discussion, as some members post. You have to play a guessing
game to figure out which messages are replies to your topic and which
aren't, unless its' explicitly spelled out in the subject line.
In fact, confusing conversation flows was one of the reasons I stopped
participating. I couldn't keep track of what went where and just gave up.
And after time, I just had nothing to say because I couldn't find anything
unless it was a direct conversation.
And while I doubt it weights much, that's just my opinion on the subject. I
know the rule has been reviewed recently enough to be changed and yay for
that, I just have issues with the rule itself and those are my issues. I
fully understand that and in the end I side with the elves doing what they
think is best for the list when it all comes down to it.
It was a dead head. He hadn't expected this when he'd left Japan. Shot
maybe. Stabbed possibly. Hung or strangled. Poisoned. But not heads rolling
merrily down the street like a deranged bowling ball ready to gnaw off their
If life hands you lemons, you should make lemonaide...and then try to find
someone whose life has handed them vodka.
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