5 Posts per day limit
horridporrid03 at horridporrid03.yahoo.invalid
Tue Oct 24 22:36:47 UTC 2006
> >>Betsy Hp:
> > <snip>
> > Though frankly, I'm not sure why familiarity matters...
> >>Random832:
> It doesn't, except for the fact that I used the adjective phrase
> "rarely-enforced".
Betsy Hp:
Ah, so you were saying that since the limit is "rarely-enforced" it
is also an unfamiliar limit? I think I get it. I think you're
wrong for the most part, I do think most regular members know about
the limit. But I don't think this particular debate informs at all
on your main point.
> >>Betsy Hp:
> > Are you wanting those limits to change?
> >>Random832:
> well, yes, that was sort of where I was going with the
> whole "arguing the shortcomings of the rule and the lack of need
> for it" thing. This is the right place for that, isn't it?
Betsy Hp:
It is, but I was confused about what your main point was. I thought
you were suggesting the elves should get better about *enforcing*
the limit. Or possibly that they needed to do a better job
advertising the limit. Which is why I asked for clarification.
> >>Random832:
> Why not instead say that every post has to _add_ something (not
> that it has to be a perfectly constructed post, but just that it
> can't be a mere rehash of the same message you responded to
> someone else with two seconds ago, or that you said the same exact
> thing earlier in the thread)?
Betsy Hp:
We do.
> >>Random832:
> That would stop people arguing in circles and keep debate moving
> forward without limiting its pace unnecessarily.
Betsy Hp:
It doesn't. <g>
But really, one person's rehash is another person's nuance, so that
particular rule *is* hard to enforce. I think it's generally used
to call a halt to a debate the devolves into personal attack and/or
is not!-is to!-ing.
So the 5 post limit, is it a good thing? Keep in mind that it's a
rule of thumb rather than a hard and fast rule, but yeah, I'd say
it's open to debate.
> >>Saitaina
> <snip>
> We have a lot of members, we have a lot of opinions and topics,
> five posts a day stiffles those and creates harder discussions
> because you're bouncing all over to catch up with the conversation.
> <snip>
Betsy Hp:
Personally, I've noticed that folks *have* had to self-stiffle ("at
my 5 limit") while in the middle of a hot debate. I'm of two minds
on that. On the one hand, it allows time for other posters in
different time zones to chime in before the debate gets played out.
But on the other hand, it can disrupt the flow of an on-going
dicussion. Especially if one of the main posters is unable to
return the next day.
So, yeah, I could go either way on this, myself. I'll be curious to
hear what other "Feedbackers" think.
Betsy Hp
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