[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: Observations re limits, readability, search-ability, etc

Heidi Tandy heidi8 at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Nov 15 13:02:43 UTC 2006

On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 7:50 am, potioncat wrote:
> I was looking for the essay section the other day---I couldn't
> remember if it was at HPfGU or at the Lexicon---but I never did find
> it. (Alla, where do you find the Elkins posts? I'm looking for
> Porphyria's "Snape as the Satan.") But I'm sure lots of list members
> have no idea those articles are out there.

Both have essays as does RedHen, but iirc, there's no searchable 
database for looking for specific ones. HPInkPot ( 
http://www.hpinkpot.org )  the essay section of FictionAlley.org, has 
that sort of searchability - you can find things by character, era, 
theme, when it was written, etc. The thing is, since it only launched 
last year, it doesn't have all the amazing essays pre-OotP in it - we 
haven't been able to get in touch with a lot of those essayists, so if 
you've ever written an essay about anything HP-ish that's over 500 
words, we'd love it if you submitted it to HPInkPot. Plus, unlike HPFGU 
posts, everything on HPInkPot is googleable, so people who google for 
specific topics will also be able to find your essays just by googleing.

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