ADMIN: Feedback Wanted re List Closure for DH Release

Tonks tonks_op at
Tue Apr 24 19:59:25 UTC 2007

> ADMIN wrote: 
> > What we do not yet know is when you, the listmembers, will want 
the list open. When will you finish reading DH? Do you want the list 
to  reopen at the earliest possible time, or do you want a little 
more  time to contemplate? Is it important that the list reopen at a 
day and hour when you might be able to read and post? What day and 
 hour would that be?

First the list elfs do need time to read and rest before the list 
reopens. And the list should be closed for a period of time. For 
those who are addicted it would be crazy trying to read and worry 
about what you are missing on the list. So there must be a 
reasonable period of closure.

A clock time when everyone is able to post is a good idea. I will 
let those who know time zones better than I work that out.

As to reading the book. Some of us take days off of work or whatever 
to do it, other work and may not be able to have it read by Monday 
or Tuesday. And as someone said you want to enjoy it like a fine 
meal. Others may not get their book till late and we should give a 
bit of time for them too. I would guess that 5 to 7 days would be 
reasonable. There is a lot to be said for knowing that all of the 
other group members are participating in the same activity (reading) 
at the same time and that no one gets a jump on another. Those who 
finish early can spend some final quality time with their families 
or friends before they glue themselves to the computer for hours at 
a time. So all in all I say at least 5 days, with max of 7.


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