[HPFGU-Feedback] If anybody's interested...

Anita Hillin akhillin at anita_hillin.yahoo.invalid
Tue May 8 01:46:25 UTC 2007


Ceridwen announced:

I've started a group for early squeeing and/or mourning. It goes by 
the suitably gruesome title of I Solemnly Swear on the Bones of my 
Father. It will be active only for the seven days after the release 
of DH, no matter when the HPfGU list re-opens.

akh squees:

Thanks!  I have no doubt I'll be desperate to talk about the book the moment
I finish it (Sunday afternoon, if Book 6 is any indication).  I'm the worst
at predicting, but I have no doubt I'll be ready to hear what everyone
thinks, and I love looking at others' predictions.  It's bookmarked already!

Akh, who has the same excitement/dread as most of the HPfGUers

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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