[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: Consolidating All the Groups into One

Susan Albrecht susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jan 22 19:34:29 UTC 2010

> > I vote for allowing Fanfic discussion into Main List.
> Personally, I would detest having fanfic discussion at Main.

> I only dart into OT from time to time, so maybe I've just missed it. But I've  never seen much discussion of fanfic at all. It might be interesting to discuss 
> it; I'd always like to hear of recommendations and we have some excellent writers from our own little HP4GU family. I'm just not sure I'd want that 
> discussion to be at main. I'm concerned that main will become a hodgepodge if all things HP are allowed.

I realize now I probably should've done a little more by way of explaining what I meant.

I don't have a problem at all with someone saying something along the lines of, "Oh, I read this great fanfic one time that really opened up a new way of looking at _____ for me" and then naming it.  No problem with that kind of thing at all.

What I don't like -- and what I'd worry about happening if we said we allowed "fanfic discussion" at Main -- is when people want to talk about their OWN fanfic.  We've all run into people who reference their own fanfic... like, ALL the time... and provide detailed synopses or replays of scenes.  This is what I'd never want to see on Main.  

In my experience with reading ff, there is precious little out there that's of great quality and a whole lot that's drivel, or at least extremely poorly done.  The authors themselves, of course, don't always recognize when they're in the latter category. I would never want to come to Main, only to have to face seeing bits and pieces of people's actual fics, you know?  That's all I'm saying.  If I had to see, "Well, one time I wrote this fic, and it was all about Hermione and Snape, and it went like this..." well, then, blurgh, I'd just want to run away screaming.  

There are folks who LOVE fanfic -- reading and writing and analyzing -- but I've always loved the sort of "sacredness" of Main, its being reserved for discussion of the actual JKR-produced canon.

> If we combined main and movie and would ONLY canon and movie be at main and everything else go to OT? Would news about a HP actor go to 
> main/movie or to OT? Where would discussion about the HP park go?
> I'd like to keep things the way they are, but I think we may be past that option. I'm just trying to imagine what the list will become.

I guess if we actually *closed* Movie, then all that talk would probably end up at Main.  Even though I'm very interested in the movies, I'm not sure I would enjoy that too much.  I'd almost rather just see the lifting of the "No discussion of the movies at Main!" ban lifted, so that people would no longer have to *avoid* bringing in questions or examples from the movies as they talk about the books.  But if *all* someone wanted to do was talk about the movies -- particularly stuff about the actors that doesn't really even relate to the storyline or characters -- my personal preference would be that that happen elsewhere.  Which I guess would mean OTC if Movie were closed.

I'd be curious what others think about this.  

Siriusly Snapey Susan

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