[HPFGU-London] London Meeting

Simon simon at ...
Tue Apr 24 10:28:29 UTC 2001

Neil: <<< Since two people have mentioned 20th -27th May, shall we try for
a meeting then?  If we choose a weekend day, we could visit Greenwich
Market, perhaps. Some of you may shudder at the thought of doing something
south of the river, so we could do something in the North or the West End
(centre) instead... Suggestions?
Evening of 25th May and 26th daytime would be good for me.>>>

Dai: <<<Gah! My end of year exams start on the 28th. You'll have to count
me out of this one.>>>

Ditto. I will be too busy. My exams kick off on the 29th.

Simon (in rainy Oxford)

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