[HPFGU-London] What to see? (churches etc)

Neil Ward neilward at ...
Sat May 5 14:06:20 UTC 2001

Responding to Scott's tourist's-eye view of London:

<<2)Visit every church in town! Neil has assured us that many/most
Christians in England are sort of  apathetic. (Unless I was mistaken and he
didn't say this at all  in which case I digress...) Seriously though the
churches are nice but we saw so many, and well by the twenty or thirtieth
one they all seem the same. (Pick either Westminster Abbey or St. Paul's.)>>

Leaving aside the fact that London is very multicultural, I imagine I meant
that most *people* here, not most Christians, are apathetic about religion
(or at least indifferent to it on a day to day basis).  For example, I've
read that only around 5% of the population who might attend a church attend
one on a regular basis - that doesn't mean people are necessarily
non-believers, of course, but it is a very different situation to that in
the US.  My view is that people won't automatically declare themselves
"Christian" unless they are active as such.  When completing forms, I used
to say I was "C of E (Church of England)," but now I just leave it blank or
mark "None".  I don't think I am too unusual in that.

I agree with Scott about the beauty of the churches here.  If you visit any
cathedral cities (Canterbury, Salisbury...etc), these are worth a visit.  In
London, there are many lovely churches, plus the big attractions Scott
mentioned.  Outside London, I recently visited St Alban's Abbey with a
friend of mine (who is a Christian) and that was really stunning, and very

Scott also said:

<snip>.one girl says "Scott sit down, you're too clumsy don't stand!" and
you respond "No YOU can sit." to which they give you an admonishing look;
the bus flies to a halt and you (read: me, I, yes *I* did this) fell forward
and landed in a strange British man's lap- well be careful!!  <snip>  > I
don't suppose that was you Neil?>>

LOL - I guess not!  I *am* a strange British man, but gone are the days when
young men would fall into my lap...


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