Foot and Mouth
hamster8 at ...
hamster8 at ...
Mon May 14 11:20:44 UTC 2001
Scott - everything is fine. There never really *were* any general
travel restrictions - it was footpaths and countryside attractions
that were closed down. As I understand it, most of these things are
now open again.
My belief is that the media, both here and abroad blew the whole thing
out of proportion. As in the States, we see nary a report about it
anymore, suggesting they've gotten bored with it. Anyway, we've got a
general election coming up, so all the news teams are out on the
campaign trail. *eep, politics - veers back ontopic*
And the only way you can possibly catch it is if you're planning to
spend your summer heaving dead cows into burial pits - which I somehow
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