[HPFGU-London] Re: July meeting

Michelle Apostolides michelleapostolides at ...
Thu Jun 21 17:19:18 UTC 2001

  What sort of place would people like to meet in? Pub, cafe, park, ice cream?

  That date sounds fine to me. I can sort out directions and maps from bus and
  train station (plus from Eb and Scott colleges), but not until we finalise


  Sorry my last message was a bit curt. Yes I'll be there on the 8th, no probs. Simon, Can you suggest a suitable place to park please ? Since I've only just passed my test, a) I find it a hassle to find somewhere to park,so inside info would be welcome and b) I never drove to Oxford myself even though I was a student at Oxford Brookes for three out of four years, so know Oxford town centre quite well, but have no memory of it as a driver. 

  Perhaps the park and ride, if it operates on a Sunday ? Al and Neil, if you want a lift, there is space in my car.

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