Oxford Meeting

Simon simon at ...
Thu Jun 21 22:08:27 UTC 2001


Seemingly we have decided to meet in central Oxford at 2 pm on the 8th. I am
still thinking about the best place to meet. Probably one of the 'tourist
trap' pubs will be easiest for everyone to find. Central Oxford is about 15
minutes from the train station and 5 from the bus station (I think this is
about right - I am a very quick walker if by myself).

Depending on how late people are planning on staying I would guess dinner is
also on the agenda. If so what type of things would people eat?

Map of central Oxford: http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oxinfo/maps/oxford.html

Info about getting to Oxford:

Getting to Oxford (assuming you are starting in London):

Driving in the centre of Oxford is difficult and there are few places to park.
If you do manage to find on street parking then there is a fair chance it will
be a fairly long walk from the city centre. The park and ride info is at:
http://www.oxfordbus.co.uk/ and map at: http://www.oxfordbus.co.uk/P&Rmap.jpg.
Thornhill has buses going to it until 9:30 pm at night. This is the latest
that the park and ride operates on a Sunday. Cost is 1.50 return and 50 pence
for parking.

I have always found the bus to be easier than the train. There are two
companies that do this route go 24 hours a day.
The two companies pick up from a variety of places (Victoria, Marble Arch,
Notting Hill Gate, Shepherd's Bush (Kensington Hilton), Hillingdon (Batnard's
Lodge Hotel)), with buses leaving about every 20 minutes during the middle of
the day. A day return costs 8 (I think).


PS: I think the biggest problem I have at the moment is that I need to work
out how to do the journey myself.

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