[HPFGU-London] Re: Oxford meeting...

Scott Sorrell insanus_scottus at ...
Fri Jun 29 13:19:12 UTC 2001

Ebony said:
You know, someone told me yesterday that the #1 way to
stand out in England as an obvious tourist is to wear
whites and bright colors. Which sounded weird to all
of us--here, summer is the time to wear bright colors
and lightweight fabrics. Is this true?"

--Hmmm...I'm on the internet doing a few last minute
things before I leave, and had to respond to this.
*Thinks back to packed suitcase and bright blue
Chinos, a lime green shirt, and numerous other 'loud'
(but hopefully tasteful) items*. I'll blend right in!

At first I was determined that I wouldn't look like
tourist this time, but now I'm resigned to the fact.
Besides we aren't tourists, we're summer students who
also *happen* to be tourist. (Perhaps the camera gives
it away.)
"Having said that, it can be relatively easy to spot
tourists from certain countries... it's more the style
of dress than the colour. I think, it's more and more
difficult to pick out younger-generation Americans."

--Is this a compliment? ;-)

"Now that I agree with; there is something about the
shoes. There is a type of men's shoe that is a
slip-on, with a thread of leather laced around the
rim... that's very American, IMO."

--A uh...sandal? I don't even know what you're talking

"So I hope you guys won't be *too* annoyed by me and
Scott. We're really excited about this... ;-)"

"Annoyed? No! I'm really looking forward to it."

--You haven't met me yet. (wicked laugh commences) ;-)

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