A few things...

catherine at ... catherine at ...
Wed Jul 11 11:39:25 UTC 2001

Hi all,
Well, looking at the dates everyone has suggested, it seems that we 
could do either 21/22 July or 28/29 July.  If it's Sunday 29th, Helen 
won't be able to make it, which would be a shame, and it looks as 
though Dai can't make 21/22.  I was thinking Sunday would be better, 
but how would everyone feel about Saturday 28th?  I know that would 
mean Ebony missing Hampton Court, but she did say that she wouldn't 
mind doing so.

What does everyone think.  Either of the above weekends are OK for me 
at the moment, so I'm flexible.

Ebony - I'll call my friend Veda about her hairdresser and let you 
know what she says.

Neil - of course Scott was being polite!  The pizza wasn't too good 
actually - I wish I'd had pasta.


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