[HPFGU-London] Dates for BBQ and new people.

Ana Isabella Byrne selenestars_night at ...
Sat Jul 14 11:41:01 UTC 2001

Hi Al! :)
No, she doesn't live on Thistledene. She lives on
Orchard Lane, next to the Venture (home for mentally
disabelled boys) as she used to work there, it's right
next to the Common. Is that quite near your house?
Best wishes,     Ana Isabella  

--- hamster8 at ... wrote: 
I'm easy for any dates over those weekends.
Absolutely nothing <BR>
planned whatsoever, so go ahead and organise away.<BR>
Ana ... "I also happen to be staying in Surrey in
my Gran's house <BR>
which is between Thames Ditton station and Hampton
Court so the <BR>
meetings around there would be the ones to which I
will most likely <BR>
be able to go. So if anyone can help me and send me
some dates and <BR>
places I'd be very grateful."<BR>
I know this is a personal question, but she doesn't
live on <BR>
Thistledene, does she? That's my road :-D.<BR>

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