Look out!

Aberforth's Goat / Mike Gray Aberforths_Goat at ...
Wed Aug 8 08:40:25 UTC 2001

Hi folks!

Well, I've made up my mind: I'm coming for opening night. I just 
checked EasyJet's website and discovered that I can fly London - 
Zürich for less than 100 USD--and at that price, I can't see why not. 
(Err, they're not expecting me to help push the jet down the runway, 
are they?)

I'll probably come early on the 15th, "do London," meet up with y'all 
on the 16th, "do London" again on the 17th and leave in the evening. 
Do you have a general idea of where you'll meet up? London? Oxford? 
I'll pick out a hostel in the general vicinity ...

Mike London-or-Bust Gray (who is really psyched about this--at the 
ripe old age of 28, I'd nearly forgotten what it's like to gallavent 
irresponsibly off into the blue with a rucksack, a cheap ticket and 
the address of a youth hostel in my pocket. I just hope they let 
goats through customs ... )

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