[HPFGU-London] Who wants to go to the Edinburgh PREMIERE?

Chris M. Dickson chris at lurkwarbler.yahoo.invalid
Wed Oct 17 21:51:31 UTC 2001

In message <B7F3B13C.2FB2%john at ...>, John Walton <john at ...> 
>Heidi just forwarded this to me. Unfortunately I'll be in Somerset at the
>time, but is anyone interested? Premiere in Edinburgh on November 6th.
>::thinking about cancelling holiday in the South-West for this:

I'm severely tempted, but fear I won't be able to afford it. If you look 
at the page, you can either place a bid for a ticket or buy one outright 
for (a charity donation of) GBP 250. None of the dozen tickets on offer 
have been bought outright yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if all twelve 
went this way well before the end-of-Sunday/start-of-Monday deadline.

The "Wizard Details" section isn't especially clearly written. Are there 
just three preview screenings in the whole of the UK (world?) or just 
three in Edinburgh with others elsewhere?

By the way, you almost certainly don't know me. This is because I lurk 
on HPFGU - and, up until now, this newsgroup - though I do post to one 
of the fanfic ones (HP_Psych). Certainly Edinburgh is about as 
accessible as London for someone in my neck of the woods...

Off to think *very* seriously about my cash situation,
(never normally tempted to find money just to be "the first on the 

Chris M. Dickson, Middlesbrough, England.      chris at ...

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