
sineadsiobhan sinead at
Fri Dec 14 16:57:56 UTC 2001

> I can do evening, from about 7 at the earliest, I'd say.  Do you need 
> to get back to Paddington that evening, Sinead?  I will be coming 
> from and going to Waterloo.
> David

No, I don't need to go back to Paddington, for that I'll be staying 
with my family in London. They're staying at a hotel very close to 
Gloucester Road stop, which isn't far from the Paddington stop. 

Where should we meet? I haven't been to London in a while (give or take 
two years) so I was wondering if we could meet at one of the stops? 

Sinead, whose excitement is building up; can't wait to go to London!

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