[HPFGU-London] Tomorrow!

Neil Ward neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 2 04:32:55 UTC 2002


I'm sorry everyone (John especially), but I won't be able to make the
gathering tonight.  I recall saying I'd be up for a meeting on the 2nd and
throwing up a suggestion of Chinese food (not literally), but I've been
preoccupied with RL work since I got back from the U.S. and I have to work
on a report over this weekend.

On the offchance you need advice on where to go or something, my home phone
number is 020 8692 7243.  Apart from nipping down to Lewisham for shopping
on Saturday, I'll be strapped to my computer over the weekend.

I wish I could send Sean Biggerstaff in my place, to make up for it...

Apologies and schnoogles,


----- Original Message -----
From: "dracos_boyfriend" <dracos_boyfriend at ...>
To: <HPFGU-London at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 11:15 PM
Subject: [HPFGU-London] Tomorrow!

> I think we have me, John, Neil, Catherine and Michelle.
> Where are we meeting and when?  I texted you earlier, Catherine, but
> my phone seems a bit weird at the moment so I don't know if you got
> it.  Please tell us!  I'll be checking the group one last time
> tomorrow morning before we go.
> My mobile: 07951 782262
> Please, please let us know!
> Alex
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