Hi new people!
sjbranford at sjbranford.yahoo.invalid
Fri Mar 1 10:01:05 UTC 2002
Hello to all the new people around here.
--- In HPFGU-London at y..., "flyingfordanglia" <neilward at d...> wrote:
> I only recall one Oxford meeting, by the way. We were entertained
> by all-female sword dancing troupes in a pub and Simon showed us
> where he pretended to study Maths. We met some nice people just
> that once, after which they vanished without a trace ... but don't
> let that put you off.
I am upset that Neil suggests that I only ever 'pretended to study
maths'. I did study mathematics there for about a year and a half. It
was after that that I pretended to be doing something degree related
while really doing other stuff instead (oddly I could mention that
this roughly coincided with my entry into the HP fandom, but in
reality this was a result and not a cause of me doing little work).
There is some rumour going around that one of the people that made
that Oxford visit may be returning again this summer :)
I fear that a meet up sometime soon for me is out of the question.
Life is a little busy at the moment and I see few free days between
now and mid April. Will however look into meeting people if (or
probably more correctky when) we have a meet in the summer.
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